Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Unstoppable -- Not Just a Train Movie

Unprecedented snowfall in our area has become Blizzard 2011 on the news.  Or Snow-pocalypse.  Snow-mageddon.  Tsnownami.  Snowprah.

Translation:  Pajama, no-shower, long nap, working in the workshop day.  Yes, despite the boys being here, cooped up in the house, I have accomplished much.

Admittedly, those accomplishments have not included great attention to personal hygiene (good thing I've been married for almost 13 years--I don't know if he would've kept his mouth shut about it otherwise).  However, I have finally completed a custom order for two Quaker Oatmeal robots, and I embarked on my maiden voyage with the Dremel Max I got this Christmas.

Much like Christopher Columbus' journey to the Americas, it was epic.

With Dremel in hand and a quickening of fear in my heart, I embraced the role of Power Tool Goddess (meaning I successfully cut through three screws that were too long within the robot assembly).



  1. So is the dremmel everything you hoped it would be?!

  2. It was pretty exciting! Burning hot discarded metal went flying across the workshop. I should've been wearing my safety googles.
