Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh, To Escape from Drama!

Alas, I've been lax about blogging again.

I blame it on the never-ending drama in my life.  If it's not one thing, it's another, right?

I've been thinking about building a secret cabin behind our main tree line where I can hide out for a while.  Of course, this cabin needs to come with fully functioning plumbing (I've been to enough craft shows to abhor the very sight of a port-a-potty), ice cold air conditioning, and plenty of space for all my tools/robot parts.  With my propensity for naps, I suppose it should also include a soft, comfy bed. 

Maybe there'll even be a secret password to get inside.  And a magic refridgerator that is fully stocked with cooked bacon and orange juice.  And a working robot that I can send to the main house as a stand-in wife/mother to ease my guilt. 

This is a good plan.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it's a GREAT plan. (as long as I get to know the secret password, of course)
