Thursday, April 21, 2011

Climbing Out of the Pit

I like gray, but more often than not, I am a black and white person . . . but I'm not talking color palette (there, I'm orange all the way).  I often see things one way and am not easily swayed to change that view. 

So for the past few weeks, I've been sitting in a pit of indecision with an either/or dilemna mocking me from above:  To Pursue or To Chuck Remnants by RJ.

You see, life has thrown me a curve ball (some of you may know what I'm talking about and others of you will find out before too long, I'm sure).  So how can I dedicate myself to robots and steampunk when my life will be overtaken by force before too long?  Black.  White.

However, today I have decided to muster all my "grayness" and try to simply do my best with Remnants by RJ.  I can pretend to be an adult and accept that some decisions may have to be compromised in the coming months. 

I can do both.  Right?


  1. gray = grey!
    And regardless of its profitability, I think you need to hold on to your creative outlet. I will always support your addiction, but I may stage interventions to get you to clean out your scrap metal from time to time.

  2. The Fox family would have to cancel Christmas if there was no Remnants by RJ.

  3. Thanks for your support! I may need continual reassurance, so be prepared!
