Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Haz-Mat Toilet Downgraded to Level 3 Threat

My life is a toilet bowl of chaos. Down I go in the swirling depths, perhaps never to be seen again.

Speaking of toilets (nice transition, huh?), my mom gave me a gift certificate last Christmas for 2 hours of a service's housecleaning. I, of course, never made use of the certificate. (Imagine months of hurt/disappointed face of mother.) So I finally had the cleaning booked for today.

Now, I'm pretty well grounded in reality about the state of my house. I definitely had no illusions about a whole house cleaning. I just wanted the bathrooms cleaned.

[Okay, yes, that included the Haz-Mat bathroom upstairs (otherwise known as the boys' bathroom), my dusty and lime-stained master bathroom, and the 1/2 bath everyone uses. Did I mention they're dirty, beyond neglected, and gross? But all I was asking for was the bathrooms.]

Turns out, two ladies come (neither speak English), and one of them spends 25 minutes on the bathroom in the basement . . . the one bathroom I didn't care about. By miles, it was the cleanest bathroom in this house. My mom, who I left in charge, says nothing.

Fast forward: My 1/2 bath got a barely cursory cleaning and the master bathroom didn't get finished because my mom told them to stop cleaning . . . they were over their hour. Yes, only one hour, since there were two of them.

Disappointment. Hoping for shiny, clean bathrooms that would change my life. Got adequate.

Should I be complaining? Okay, no. I know it was a nice gesture on my mom's part, and the bathrooms are cleaner than they were. I suppose I was just setting my expectations too high--maybe life-changing was a bit much.

So the good news? The silver lining (not the blackened, hard water lining in the toilet)? The good news is I finished two robots today . . .

The clock actually works on the second one. Ooooh!


  1. Is that the tin I got you? I'm indirectly famous! Sorry life's gone down the $h!++er.

  2. Yes, it is your tin. Thanks for the sentiment.
